

Ordering an item from Sea Horse? We can ship to virtually any address in the Canada.


Delivery Time

When you place an order with Sea Horse, we will estimate shipping and delivery dates for you, based on the availability of your items. Once you've placed your order, you will be able to see both shipping and delivery date estimates in the order confirmation e-mail.


Freight Cost

Calculating the shipping costs for orders from Sea Horse based on the volume and weight of the shipment, insurance, residential delivery or terminal pick-up, and of course, the distance from Vancouver to your location. The cost may be charged pre-paid. Once you've placed your order, you will be able to see both freight cost estimates and method of payment in the order confirmation e-mail. Extra Cad$25/piece will be charged for extra packing requested by forwarder to ship to certain areas.


Information needs to place an order

When you place an order with Sea Horse, we need your full name, address with postal code, telephone no., how you would like to pay for your order. We accept MasterCard, Visa. All orders must be prepaid. Once you've placed your order, you will be asked to provide your credit card information in the order confirmation e-mail. Please contact us for further information and enquiry at 该 Email 地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。